
Photos from Iria Do Castelo's Exhibition

Photos from Maria Plotnikova's
performance, TERRITORY & PEOPLE

ChiCats x JDM Foundation
ChiCats students and faculty visited the John David Mooney Foundation on July 19th to explore our active studios, participate in specially designed workshops, and meet our Ukrainian artists in residence!
SkyArt x JDM Foundation
The John David Mooney Foundation team met with leaders from SkyArt on July 11th, 2024 at their East 91st Street location. Our team was fortunate enough to meet their young artists, share a delicious meal with the lovely staff, and tour the facilities! Through student workshops and studio visits led by the artists at the JDM Foundation, we look forward to opening our doors to the students of SkyArt!

ChiCats x JDM Foundation
ChiCats faculty and the John David Mooney Foundation team gathered on May 15th to establish a future partnership. This summer, 45 ChiCats students are scheduled to visit the Mooney Foundation, explore our active studios, participate in specially designed workshops, and meet our Ukrainian artists in residence!
SkyArt x JDM Foundation
The John David Mooney Foundation team met with leaders from SkyArt on May 7th, 2024 to discuss and layout our plans for this summer and the future! Through student workshops and studio visits led by the artists at the JDM Foundation, we look forward to opening our doors to the students of SkyArt!

On April 25, 2024, the John David Mooney Foundation hosted the exhibition of finalists for the Luminarts Cultural Foundation competition; a juried selection of young Chicago area artists. The show featured the works of ten finalists, and will continue through May 4, 2024, with regular Gallery hours of 11 am – 6 pm daily. All are invited.

In Memoriam
It is with great sadness the John David Mooney Foundation mourns
the passing of Barbara P. Jones on March 21, 2024

It is with great sadness that the John David Mooney Foundation announces the passing of Barbara P. Jones on March 21, 2024, in Urbana, Illinois.
Barbara dedicated her life to the work and mission of the John David Mooney Foundation since its establishment in 1981. She was founder, director, and administrator for the Foundation, handling day-to-day management of its operations, art exhibits, public relations, development, and events.
For fifty years she assisted Chicago artist John David Mooney professionally and personally in his numerous large-scale sculpture installations in Chicago, Urbana, Illinois, the Olympics Games in Atlanta, and international exhibits in Croatia, Italy, Malta, Scotland, Spain, and the Vatican.
Her unwavering commitment and boundless enthusiasm transformed the John David Mooney Foundation into a thriving center of creativity, education, culture, and innovation.
Barbara dedicated her life to arts education, fostering interns and artists in residence, and helping early-career artists become established. Barb’s warmth, kindness, generosity, and infectious passion for the arts touched the lives of all with whom she associated.
Barbara was born on August 17, 1937, in Chicago, IL. She graduated from South Shore High School in 1955 and went on to attend DePauw University where she graduated in 1959 with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Following her undergraduate degree, she completed coursework toward her master’s degree at Purdue University.
Barbara will be forever remembered and deeply missed by her family, friends, colleagues, and the arts community she served. Her legacy will prevail through the lives she touched and the indelible mark she made on the cultural landscape in Chicagoland and beyond.
Funeral Services will be held on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 10:00 am, at Old St. Patrick’s Church, 700 West Adams Street, Chicago, IL 60661. The Funeral Liturgy will be streamed live and a recording will be viewable afterwards at https://livestream.com/oldstpats/barbarajones. Visitation will precede the Liturgy at 9:00 am in the church.
The graveside Rite of Committal and burial is scheduled to take place on Thursday, April 4, 2024, at 2:00 pm at Saint Patrick's Cemetery in Tolono, IL. In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests that donations be made to the Emergency Ukrainian Fellowship Fund sponsored by the John David Mooney Foundation via PayPal (entering jdmstudio@jdmf.org ) or by check to the John David Mooney Foundation, or to a charity of your choice in her honor.